Whales are maritime animals respected, admired, venerated for centuries. For native peoples of the North Pacific and South American peoples. It is true that he was also a constant victim of hunting of these and many other peoples.
Whales are associated with compassion and solitude, and knowledge of both life and death. They are also associated with unbridled creativity. The exhalation through the blowhole symbolizes the freeing of one’s own creative energies. The sound is also a creative force of life.
In the Arctic, there are legends that tell how the Great Spirit created the most perfect animal, the bow whale. Even the hunters had to go through initiation rites only to be able to hunt them.
Spotting a whale swimming was a good sign for the natives. While seeing a dead whale on the beach was a bad omen.
Symbolisms of the whale through the years and the Places
Europeans also had great respect for whales. They considered that they were symbols of the world, the body, and the grave. The whales symbolized the ocean, a strange environment that was vital and, what is more, fatal to men.
The whale, in many cultures, is seen as a symbol of good luck, speed, strength, freedom and inner joy. Whales were considered sacred in Russian, Slavic, Arabic, and Chinese mythology.
In America, the Tlingit, Nootka and Haida tribes see the whales as a symbol of strength and speed. Whales have always been an important religious symbol, and in fact, the Buddha statues in Tibet are often accompanied by whale figures.
What do narwhals symbolize?
Narwhal symbolizes magical powers, freedom and empathic abilities. According to authorities on the subject, Narwhal is called the Unicorn of the sea. This unique spiral fang is an extension of Narwhal’s body and is filled with thousands of sensory receptors. For this reason, it is a symbol of sensitivity. And they are incredibly empathetic and sensitive.
Knowing more details about this mammal makes us understand the motive of so much symbolism.
Something that you just saw distinguishes it from other whales is its fang.

Fang or horn?
It is a modified tusk that looks like a horn. This fang grows in a different direction to the others through the left maxilla and the skin of the face. The average extension is 2 meters and weighs 10 kg.
These fangs have an outer layer of dental cement called “dentin”. Frequently those fangs break. But they are able to repair the damage by growing a new layer of dentin.
It can be understood because they are called “unicorns of the sea”. In truth, the Vikings hunted the narwhal whale and sold the fangs for unicorn horns. It was believed that these supposed horns possessed magical powers and that they had the ability to cure poisonings and melancholy. For this reason, the Vikings and other merchants of Nordic origin sometimes made it worth their weight in gold.

The totem and the whales
The totem is also understood as the principle or origin of a certain clan. In general, they believe they descend from that toten, animal, vegetable or inanimate object. In this sense, although the term comes from Ojibwa, originating in North America, totemism can be observed throughout the evolution of human societies in other continents and other eras.
Each totem represents one or more animals. Among those are the eagle, the bear, the wolf and many others, including the whale. In the case of the whale, it is not only a totem, but each species of whale represents certain characteristics that differ from each other.
According to these millenarian cultures, the figure of the Narwhal remembers that each person is unique in their path. And the Narwhal totem, that is, people with this totemic animal spirit are very sociable. They understand the power of teamwork and have a passion for using the best possible tools.
Humpback Whale Symbolism and Totem
In the case of the symbolism of the humpback whale, it brings you a message of good fortune through creativity. And you should not give up your current creative efforts because success is near. The symbol of the whale is to remind you that you must sing your song through life. Your path can be of individuality and the ability to do things in a unique way.
That totem represents art and music. His personality molds to be warm in winter and cool in summer.
People with the humpback whale totem are also powerful communicators and are good at clearly expressing complex theories. They are sociable but at the same time independent.
Sperm Whale Symbolism and Totem
The meaning of the Sperm Whale is a reminder that you have vast unexploited resources within you. Through faith, trust and action, the Universe will help you. In other words, the symbolism of Sperm Whale lets you know that you have the power, so do not be afraid to use it.
It also reminds you that you are free to make your own decisions in life. You must choose a path that is suitable.
People with Sperm Whale totem are highly creative in all ways. Consequently, they end up leading an unbalanced life because their passions consume them. However, once they learn to integrate balance into their lives, they are happy and social people.
Blue Whale Symbolism and Totem
This symbolism of the blue whale reminds you to have faith in your abilities and allow yourself to be still enough to see the way. Although the changes feel overwhelming, they are necessary. You need to stay focused on the resolution.
The blue whale totem has an impressive presence that makes people notice them immediately. They are intelligent, insightful, compassionate and generous. These people are always willing to listen or help a friend. They also enjoy any vocal expression.
Pilot Whale Symbolism and Totem
They are patients who listen, are compassionate with others and with themselves, and are very social. They love being in groups of friends. Your challenge is to be and think for yourself.
These whales are often stranded on the beach as a group. A stranded animal of this species is a reminder that family and friends are important and that they should be supported, however, following them blindly can and will get you in trouble. Therefore, you need to find new forms of support, without compromising.
Beluga Whale Symbolism and Totem
It is characterized by being very sociable and adventurous. They are playful, balanced and deep thinkers who love to play harmless practical jokes. People with this animal spirit totem can heal others with their voice.
Gray Whale Symbolism and Totem
The meaning of the gray whale reminds you that the goal you have set is not as far as you think. You have to change the perception of time and distance to achieve your goals. Time and distance are only minimal obstacles in the bigger picture of things.
People with this animal spirit totem have a strong mentality, have a lot of resistance and will always do the work. Your colleagues respect your opinions and will easily participate in any debate.
The whales in Mythology and in Literature.
Animals have long been the subject of myths, legends, art, and literature. They are mysterious, intriguing. Whales are not the exception.
Centuries ago, in the 1700s, native Native Americans used whales in their design of masks and totems. They were considered “the monsters of the ocean.” They were used to represent power.
In the nineteenth century, The most well-known literary account of a whale is, arguably, Moby Dick, written by Herman Melville. The plot is, basically, a traveler sailor who soon discovers that the captain of the boat is determined to find the fierce sperm named Moby Dick to avenge his lost leg that resulted from the previous attack of the whale. This novel is rich in symbolism and touches much deeper issues than whaling.
Melville presents Moby Dick and his whiteness as a symbol of many things, including God, nature, destiny, evil, the ocean and the universe itself. However, the symbolism of the white whale is deliberately enigmatic, and its inscrutability is a deliberate challenge for the reader.
Was Moby Dick a real whale?
The author Herman Melville grew up during the heyday of the US dominance of the whaling industry. By knitting contemporary stories and his own experiences as a whaler, Melville created his American masterpiece.
The name of the whale was also inspired by real-life events. Mocha Dick, named after the island of Mocha in Chile, near where it was first seen, was “one of the largest and most powerful sperm whales in nineteenth-century history, reportedly destroying more than 20 whaling ships and escaped another 80. The huge whale was made famous by ships that escaped for the next 28 years before it was finally killed by whalers in a dramatic encounter.
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