Welcome to ofwhale.com !!! When we created this site we thought about doing a tribute to those marine animals that cause us so much amazement!
The more we read about these mammals, the more they amaze us. His way of communicating and expressing himself. The memory that guides them through a dark and gigantic world like the oceans. The protective spirit that exists among those in its sheath. The care and affection that there is from the mother to her baby whale. The “romantic way” of conquering your partner and your firmness and courage in warding off any threat.
It is very likely that if you start reading about these beautiful and gigantic mammals you will be one of the whale lovers.
Here you will find articles with curiosities and news from the scientists who investigate them. You’ll be surprised!
Illuminate your life with whale lamps, natural whale nursery light, or whale night light for a peaceful and natural environment. Find the best whale stuff in ofwhale.com … the site whale lovers prefer.
Crafting is an enjoyable activity and more enjoyable if whales are involved. Whale craft is the activity preferred for those who love whales, nature, and crafting. Come to ofwhale.com and begin your whale adventure craft.
Access our wide whale book store where you can find excellent books for children and for adults, novels, biology, adventures books about whales. Discover this magnificent world reading the pages of the preferred books of whale lovers like you.
You can find a variety of whale slipper models for you and also for all members of your family.
Download educational and entertaining whale games and realistic whale simulators for child, teenagers and all ages. Enjoy learning or playing with the best nature games people prefer. If you love whales and the ocean this is the place to begin your entertainment.
Gifts ideas for whale lovers, The awesome selection of gifts for all who love whales
You can find in this site a variety of art objects to decorate your house or your room that brings to mind one of the most attractive places that is: the ocean, with the figure of the greatest inhabitant of the seas. The whales!! Humpbacks Whales, Sperm Whales, Blue Whale, and Killer Whale and everything that these mammals represent.
Here you will find a variety of delicate necklaces with charms of whales or whale tails for you to use in an infinity of occasions and to be very elegant or to surprise a friend, girlfriend, mother or another woman that you have affection.
Most people loves whales enjoy using CDs with the whale sounds , whale songs and sounds of the waves to obtain a peaceful and restful sleep, perform meditation and relaxation.
Ofwhale.com is the right place where you can get the whale pictures you deserve for your home. Read more about the feelings you convey and the styles you can choose.
In our world, whales have a great message to transmit to humanity and we agree with them. For you and for your children choose the whale t-shirts best fits your message
There is a wide variety of available stuffed whales and plush whales like stuffed humpback whales, plush orcas, plush blue whales or stuffed belugas. Kids of all ages like to have them and to play with these friendly aquatic animals.
In ofWhale.com you can find the online whale toys you’re looking for, like baby shark toys, stuffed toys or a whale bath toy. Let’s get started with the selected gallery or check more options on the links.
Are there any of the classic movies that you do not have yet? Think about those family, adventure or killer whale movies that you would enjoy to watch again and again. Ofwhale.com shows you a selection of those movies.
You can dress your chair, your bed or your pillows with beautiful whale throws. The magnificence and size of whales are adequate and stylish for colorful decoration that you can change for different occasions.
Visit this gallery of the awesome whale mugs selection of ofwhale.com. That allows you to find how to drink tea, coffee, milk or what you want with your preferred friends the whale. They can be natural life whale mug, whale-shaped coffee mugs, narwhal mug or even dolphin mug. Only for whale lovers.
You want to go further than just follow the first step by step tutorials about whale drawings. Ofwhale.com is the place where you can find books and models you need to go deeper into the ocean and learn to draw your preferred whales and marine creatures.
The Info you Want about Whales
In ofWhale.com you can find the questions you want to know about whales, like:
- WhyWhales Migrate
- Communication Between Whales
- What do Whales eat in the Ocean?
- Are Beluga Whales Endangered?
- How big is a Whale’s Brain
- What do Whales Symbolize?
- How Many Whales are there in the World?
- What Type of Whales are there? Part 1
- What Type of Whales are there? Part 2
- A whale swallowed a diver who was miraculously saved
- Southern right whale record and care!
Options for a Gift
Here you will find interesting options to give to a special person. Necklaces and very delicate pendants to convey the symbolism of the whales. The whale tail pendants are very sought after and appreciated. It is like coming to this mysterious world of the sea.
Another option can be a beautiful whale shirt. It is more informal to use in relaxed moments like a picnic among family or friends or during a walk or trip.
Decorating your home with Whales
Are you looking to decorate some corner of your house with the theme of the Ocean and its most imposing inhabitants? Here you can find very elegant decoration works of different materials. Sculptures and paintings Also lamp decorated to illuminate a table or a shelf.
Others look for something personal for the comfort of home and to make the home a very welcoming environment. Using throws on the armchairs is an option as well as pillows of the same theme. What do you think of using them while attending a classic whale movie?
Helping children to love Nature
The love of animals and nature is something important! Most of us live in a world where we are surrounded by cement cities far from nature. And a time when technology occupies a lot of children’s minds.
But there are many projects that we can undertake with the children. Teach them to design animals, make crafts such as painting models of whales in wood. Most children are enthusiastic about these activities and they do very well at their creative and imaginative capacity. The manual work helps the concentration that will be a benefit that they will enjoy for the rest of their lives.
Another way may be to give a toy according to age. There are stuffed whales that children love to cuddle and there are different sizes. If they are babies, there are mobiles with their circular movements that babies love to watch.
As you will see in ofwhale.com you will find a lot of information, news and a diversity of products to buy for you, your family and friends.